Bobby Jenkins

Owner of ABC Home & Commercial Services
Austin, TX
Bobby Jenkins is the owner of ABC Home & Commercial Services with offices in Austin, San Antonio, College Station, and Corpus Christi. ABC employs over 650 people and offers a wide variety of services including pest and termite control, lawn care and mowing, landscaping and irrigation, tree trimming, air conditioning and heating, plumbing and electrical, pool cleaning and repair, handyman services, appliance repair, and security system installation and monitoring. Mr. Jenkins is a graduate of Texas A&M University with a degree in business management.
Mr. Jenkins is a past chair of the Austin Chamber of Commerce and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. He is a past president of both the Texas and National Pest Management Associations and a past chair and current board member of the Better Business Bureau, Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse, and the Alzheimer’s Association. Mr. Jenkins currently serves on the Agricultural Development Council and Mays Business School Development Council at Texas A&M University. He is a past chair for Caritas of Austin and has served as a tri-chair for the bond oversight committee with AISD. He has served as the co-chair for the Heat Walk for the American Heart Association and is the current Board Chair of the AHA. Mr. Jenkins is a past co-chair for the United Way Annual Campaign and a current United Way board member. He is the co-founder and board chairman of Recognize Good and past chair and board member of Austin Gives.